Task Management

The task management module is a management tool that enables users to define tasks, assign them to individuals, and track progress through to completion.

To access the Task module, navigate to 'Tasks' on the main menu. On the Task page, you have two tabs. The first is "My Tasks" - with two sections: My tasks this month and future tasks. The 2nd tab is a table where you can filter through the tasks list using queries. 
For a guide on adding and editing these queries, click here.
Please note that the 'Status' field is color-coded based on the values within the field. You have the ability to customize these colors by modifying the query.

To create a new Task in the table tab, simply click on  'New Task.' This will launch the Task creation screen, where you can input the necessary details and save them. You can document any note in the Comments field. For guidance on editing the Task card, click here.

Tasks can also be created from the tasks tab within a lead, account, opportunity, or case.