
Simbla's REST API lets you interact with your Database by sending an HTTP request. 

There are two authentication methods for using the API:

1. Using user and password. 
-Using this method you will need to login using your username and password, -receive a token and use it in any further requests.
-Access to the API using this method will be granted according to the user's permissions.
2. Using API-K.
- It will give full privileges to any one that holds the API-K.
You can generate an API-K in the database > setting tab > add key.

In the following examples we will use the user and password authentication method.

Simbla's API URL -

In order to use the API you would need your App ID, username and password.

You can find your App ID under the settings tab in your Database.

In the following example we will use PostMan for sending the requests.

1. Generate a Post request to

2. Add an header parameter -  X-Parse-Application-Id – the database’s identifier.

3. Add username and password in the body as URL-encoded parameters.

The response body is a JSON object containing the user-provided fields. It also contains the createdAt, updatedAt, objectId, and sessionToken fields.

Once you receive the session token you simply add it to the header of any next request you make as:
X-Parse-Session-Token: tokenValue