Retrieve object

To retrieve an object we will send a GET request to the URL containing the class and the object ID - Name(Table)/object ID

For this example we will use the object we've created in the previous example.

The URL is:

In the Header we will add 3 parameters:

1. X-Parse-Application-Id: your application Id

2. X-Parse-Session-Token: your session token (You can use an API-K  X-PARSE-API-KEY instead)   

3. Content-Type: application/json 

The response will contain a JSON object:


    "objectId": "kEG7VgTLul",

    "car_model": "BMW",

    "car_year": 2023,

    "updatedBy": {

        "__type": "Pointer",

        "className": "_User",

        "objectId": "be5Y4wEhuK"


    "createdBy": {

        "__type": "Pointer",

        "className": "_User",

        "objectId": "be5Y4wEhuK"


    "createdAt": "2021-03-11T13:18:35.548Z",

    "updatedAt": "2021-03-11T13:18:35.548Z"




When retrieving objects, if we want to fetch pointers (child objects) we will use include = FieldName in the url.

For instance, to fetch the object pointed to by the “car_color” field the URL would be: