In the next example we will learn how to use aggregate functions such as average, minimum, sum.
We will be using two tables:
Table 1 - Restaurants (Name).
Table 2 - Rating ( RestaurantId, Score)
var query = new Simbla.Query("Rating")
// Get rating form the last year
var date = new Date();
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() - 1)
query.greaterThan("createdAt", date)
// The first parameter is the group by field.
// In the example we will group by the "FieldName.TableName.FieldValue"
// The second parameter is the group function.
// in this example we will get the avg (Average) of the "Score" field.
// Other functions available for the group function are sum, min, max. for count the total number of rows you can use {sum: 1}
query.aggregate("RestaurantId.Restaurants.Name", { avg: "Score" }).then(function (e) {
e.results.forEach(function (r) {
console.log(`Name: ${r._id}. Average score: ${r.value}`)
// example for other group by functions
query.aggregate("RestaurantId.Restaurants.Name", { max: "Score" }).then(function (e) {
e.results.forEach(function (r) {
console.log(`Name: ${r._id}. Max score: ${r.value}`)
query.aggregate("RestaurantId.Restaurants.Name", { sum: "Score" }).then(function (e) {
e.results.forEach(function (r) {
console.log(`Name: ${r._id}. Total score: ${r.value}`)
query.aggregate("RestaurantId.Restaurants.Name", { sum: 1 }).then(function (e) {
e.results.forEach(function (r) {
console.log(`Name: ${r._id}. Total votes: ${r.value}`)