The search form tool allows you to easily create and set a search form that will search your database table and filter the table accordingly.
Click here to view a live example of the search tool. The table's permissions are limited for the example so you won't be able to add, edit or delete records only search through them.
The table as default will show no results until you perform a search.
Give your search form a name. It will be used later on to connect your table to the form
First choose the table you would like to submit the search on.
Build your criteria that will appear in the form. for our example we will set:
1. Car color equal to input
2. Model year greater then input
3. Car stock greater than or equal to:
Go to your table settings filter tab, choose the "use search form" method and pick your new form.
As you can see in the final result, you can search through the database and the appearance of the table will change accordingly.
For our example we will search for all of the white cars, model year above 2014 and available in stock(1 or more) :