Winning at CRM Implementation: How to Get it Right Using AI


50% of CRM implementation projects fail!!!

Have you ever stopped to wonder why so many Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives end up biting the dust? It's a puzzling thought, right? 

Dozens of studies carried out in recent years claim that about 50% of CRM implementation projects fail. Yes, fail!!!

Well, believe it or not, a significant number of these projects meet a premature demise, and the aftermath can be disheartening for businesses that poured time, effort, and resources into them. Now, don't lose hope just yet! There's a silver lining to this, and that's what we're here to discuss today.

So, you might be thinking, "How do I ensure my CRM endeavor doesn't nosedive?" Great question!

We are here to provide two approaches to deal with the question. The first and surprising approach - use AI technology that already exists, and let it work for you. Skip the traditional CRM implementation process. 

The second answer is the traditional answer that any consultant (who likes billable hours)

 dealing with CRM implementation projects will tell you and is a list of rules for the success of implementing a CRM system. Let's review both approaches:

The new approach - CRM implementation by AI:

Artificial intelligence technology has advanced incredibly in recent years. In fact, in our cloud CRM platform, you can create a CRM system exactly adapted to your needs. All you need is to register to Simbla and then in the wizard that opens, describe your needs to the AI system. The more detailed you describe, the higher the match will be.  After just a few minutes you will have the 1st version of the CRM you need.

An important point to note is that every CRM project needs a flexible system so that at any given moment we can customize the system to our changing needs.


The traditional approach for CRM implementation

 Allow me to share with you seven nifty pointers that can elevate your CRM game and help you avoid the pitfalls that have claimed many a project.

1. Clear-Cut Objectives: Don't leave anything to chance. Define and articulate your objectives crisply, and ensure everyone on the team is on the same page.

2. Thorough Planning: Take the time to meticulously plan every aspect of the implementation. As the saying goes, "Failing to plan is planning to fail!"

3. Engaged Leadership: Rally your team around the CRM initiative with the support and guidance of committed leaders. After all, it's tough to succeed without enthusiastic direction from the top.

4. User Adoption: No CRM can be efficacious without the users embracing it wholeheartedly. Invest in training and support to help your team members make the most of the platform.

5. Data Integrity: Don't let shoddy data bog down your CRM project. Ensure the accuracy and consistency of your data to make the most of your CRM's capabilities.

6. Continuous Improvement: A successful CRM implementation isn't a one-time event. Keep refining and optimizing your processes and system to stay ahead of the curve.

7. Measuring Success: Establish metrics to gauge the efficacy of your CRM implementation. Regularly monitor and analyze your results to make data-driven decisions.

We believe you should use both approaches. Use the best technology to build your CRM and keep these seven tips in mind, you can sidestep the hurdles that have thwarted many CRM undertakings and pave the way for a triumphant CRM implementation. So, don't be daunted by the challenges. Embrace the opportunity, and you'll be well on your way to CRM success!

About Simbla

We believe end users know exactly what they need to perform more efficiently and effectively. Simbla allows them to produce game-changing cloud CRM without writing a single line of code.

Simbla is an AI-generated cloud CRM and a no-code development platform that helps non-coders build quick, flexible, efficient solutions quickly and easily.

Our team has years of experience developing sophisticated cloud-based systems. Drawing on that experience, we built a platform that allowed non-coders to create a tailored CRM that exactly fits the business needs without long deployment and without the help of professionals.

It is a no-code platform with an AI layer, capable of reducing the cost of deploying and maintaining a tailored cloud CRM by as much as 90%.